This my version of Burmese Chess:
1. Standard layout.
- No check, no check mate ... the goal is to capture enemy's king.
- Castle is regulated like in traditional chess and 6-4 or4-6 has to be rolled in order to perform it.
- En passant is regulated like in traditional chess .
2. Players roll 2 dice .
3. Player has to move twice according to the dice face values, in any order ... it's understood that when there is no more piece available that matches the the roll on any die, player looses his/her turn ... double roll plays a role of joker in this game.
4. When the roll shows double, player has ONE FREE move (only), but cannot capture enemy's king with during this move, the exception is a pawn (which has this power).
5. 1-1 is the only exception where the player has a choice to either move :
- one pawn twice (double move from starting position is considered as one move)
- two pawns once each ...
- or make ONE FREE move.
-when no more pawns on the board 1-1 is used as ONE FREE move by any piece
- pawns CAN capture the enemy king as a result of ONE FREE move ...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Hippodrome record
All 16 noble pieces are randomly placed on 4x4 board and one of them is removed ... All 4 Knights are placed in the first row ... the goal is to move all 4 Knights to the top row in smaller number of moves ... as you can see my record for now is 21 moves (all Knights are at the top.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Catastrophic Series in Chessayra
The idea came to me tonight ... Tsunami, Earthquakes, Volcanos ... all these powerful, natural phenomena are with us forever and it looks they are more often now than before ... I was trying to be as close as possible to what people may experience ... tsunami hits the shores, volcanos sleep before they erupt and in most cases warn before they strike, quakes have their epicenters and all these characteristics are included in my variants ... are they perfect ? NO, they are not, there are other tons of different solutions and ways of implementing variants ... but you have to decide and pick one ... I hope you like this variants below ... they are created with software in mind ... and these variants are ticking bombs of sort ... you never know when disaster strikes and I had one (sick) idea on my kind ... to scare you !!! lol ... have fun ...
Quake Chess (catastrophic series)
There maybe another after-shock ... but nobody knows IF it happens ... so be on the watch.
For clarity I didn't put any pieces on the board ...
Game starts with traditional setup ... when King is destroyed the player looses the game ... same when the King is reduced to pawn ... when both Kings are destroyed or reduced it's a draw ...
Tsunami Chess (catastrophic series)
Our land of Chessayra is between two oceans, LEFT one and RIGHT one ... disaster of huge wave called Tsunami can hit either of its shores ... the picture above shows the minimum Tsunami on the left (just one column) and a maximum Tsunami wave to the right (3 columns at the most) ... to make it simpler: if Tsunami hits it can be somewhere between on column and 3 columns wide and EVERYTHING in between ... these situations above are just extreme and not very likely to happens ... the first picture above shows you a typical Tsunami vave:
Tsunami hits only once during the game and acan hit at any time, without a warning, and both shore are in danger ...
Volcano Chess (catastrophic series)
Players can put their pieces on it at will. But be careful, any time during the course of the game, volcano awakens and the color of it changes to red ... any piece that was on the top of volcano is swallow by it. Now look at the next diagram:
Nobody knows (except software, of course) ... so, start protecting your pieces and try to escape.
Now look at the next diagram:
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